C4C Action is mobilizing community to the upcoming Council meeting on Tuesday November 7th! This session on Monday October 30th from 6-8PM is a joint New Commenter Orientation and Training & Strategy Session to prepare!
- If you’ve never done Public Comment at Council before: RSVP and join at 6PM for a New Commenter Orientation - we’ll teach you everything you need to know about how Council meetings work and how to sign up to speak.
- If you have already gone through the basic Public Comment training: RSVP and join at 6:30PM for our Training & Strategy Session, where we’ll talk through goals, strategy, and tactics for this specific meeting, and then practice developing strong personalizations to make the talking points your own!
- If you can’t join this training but want to mobilize with us on November 7th: Send us an email with your phone number at info@care4communityaction to get our packet of talking points and get connected with our group on November 7th!
October 30, 2023 at 6:00pm - 8pm